The Open Tax Consultancy Service

The Open Tax Consultancy service is an ongoing annual offering that has been specifically designed to take the time and worry out of managing your personal tax affairs. We give comprehensive, value driven friendly service and advice, but most of all we recognise each person is individual and their needs are unique.

The service

The Open tax service provides you with easy access to our tax professionals. No call centres and no constant change in personnel. You will be assigned to one of our tax consultants and have details of their mobile telephone number and email address so that you can easily speak to the same person about your personal tax position on a regular basis.

In addition the service includes:

  • preparation of your annual UK tax return
  • calculating your annual tax liability
  • advice on how your tax liability may be reduced
  • claims for any tax refund that may be due to you
  • dealing with all general HM Revenue and Customs correspondence on your behalf
  • advising you of all appropriate tax planning opportunities to minimise your tax liabilities

We are also available to answer your tax related questions - everything from simple queries around allowances and expenses claims to tax planning and tax efficient investments.

The Open tax service is tailored to your personal circumstances and the annual fixed charge will reflect this. Where further, more detailed advice is needed, we will be on hand to provide this and we will agree any fees with you in advance of carrying out the additional work.

Open Tax Consultancy

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to ask us a question then call us on 0207 788 7661. To ask us a question online click here.

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Why not fill out our quick contact form below and a member of the team will respond shortly.

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  • Our FREE monthly eNEWS email newsletter which will keep you up to date with the latest news (this service is optional)
  • On registration we'll email FREE resources to you with our compliments.

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